
St Therese's Catholic Primary School Monto
Prep – Year 6 Co-educational
School Motto
All Deeds for God
St Therese’s School sits right alongside St Therese’s Church, the closeness is not just a relationship of proximity, the students attend mass each Monday morning as well as participating in school lead liturgies and feast day celebrations with the wider parish community. Founded on the charism of the Presentation Sisters, we look towards Nano Nagle for inspiration on how to be the best version of ourselves through the decisions we make everyday.
Currently St Therese’s is focused on the delivery of contemporary best practice for all students at our school. We have prioritised the development and implementation of school-wide approaches to reading, writing, spelling, oral language and numeracy. This has been a multi-facetted approach through the development of teacher knowledge, purchase of material resources as well as establishing a culture of data informed teaching throughout our school.
We are committed to the ongoing development of information technologies that focus on student learning. The use of this technology is paramount in delivery of Australian Curriculum content through our school based program.
St Therese’s school offers parents, students and staff an opportunity to be part of a community that values respect and diversity. We encourage all members to excel at their strengths as well as persist when challenges arise through an individualised supportive approach to develop active and informed citizens.
Enrolment Application Fee Schedule
General Information
Location Rayleigh Street Monto QLD 4630
Postal Address PO Box 58 Monto QLD 4630
Approx. Enrolment 53
Founded 1940 by the Presentation Sisters
Parish Callide Valley Parish