21st February 2024
Bishop Michael on tour

Director, Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton (CEDR), Leesa Jeffcoat, said conversations and connections characterised three weeks of touring alongside Bishop Michael McCarthy to every CEDR primary school and college in Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Bundaberg, Monto, Biloela, Gladstone, Mackay, Sarina and Walkerston.
Miss Jeffcoat accompanied Bishop Michael on his visits spending time with staff and students in classrooms, staffrooms and boardrooms, as well as celebrating Opening School Year Masses and other liturgies including the Official Blessing and Opening of Stage 2 capital works at Catherine McAuley College in Mackay.
“I was delighted to spend this time with Bishop Michael engaging in meaningful conversations and having the opportunity to interact informally with so many students and staff members,” Miss Jeffcoat said.
“Our schools are such wonderful places of teaching and learning - places where the person of Jesus is at the heart of all we do,” Miss Jeffcoat said.
“As our chief shepherd and the person we look to for spiritual guidance, Bishop Michael’s in-person visits to our school communities bring a depth and dimension to our understanding the Catholic tradition and an avenue for greater accessibility for those seeking to strengthen their faith life,” Miss Jeffcoat said.
Miss Jeffcoat said plans were being finalised for visits to school and college communities in the central and far west of the diocese.
“It has been a great privilege to spend this time with Bishop Michael in our school communities and a wonderful way to start our new school year,” Miss Jeffcoat said.
Diocesan Director Leesa Jeffcoat (far left) and Bishop Michael McCarthy (far right) pictured during a visit to St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Sarina with (left to right) Principal, John Ballinger-Oches, students, Assistant Director: Schools – Northern Region, Michael McCusker, and Fr Anthony Nguyen.